It is common to find people who are not satisfied with the appearance of their glutes. The flaccidity, the reduced volume, the "dimples" and depressions or an inadequate distribution of the fat produce an unsightly aspect of this anatomical region. There are surgical procedures that adjust to the specific needs of each patient.
Sometimes our patients complain of depressions in the gluteal region, which are noticeable even with the clothes on. Some of these subsidence are true adhesions of the skin to deeper structures such as fascia or muscle. These cases can be significantly improved with surgical procedures. Also the double glúteo fold, the subglútea banana, that is that fold parallel to the gluteal fold, located in the later part and superior of the thigh, can improve significantly with surgical techniques. This can be achieved with liposculpture or impante.
The gluteus can also be increased by using the patient's own fat, avoiding in this case the use of implants and offering a totally natural result. Sometimes, patients consult for flaccidity, especially those who have suffered a considerable weight loss, with flattening and sagging of the skin of the gluteal region. In these cases, an elevation surgery can be done that is sometimes associated with an increase when the elevation alone does not achieve an entirely satisfactory result. Thus, we can reshape the general contour of the gluteus by means of autologous fat grafts, tissue extracted from the patient itself by liposuction improving and giving a corporal remodeling that ensures a total compatibility, avoiding the problems associated with the synthetic fillers -among others the resorption of them and need to repeat the procedure-, and combining the benefits that liposuction itself produces in other areas of the body. This procedure is more versatile, in that we place the fat where we need it most without the inherent limitations of the implants.
We can increase the volume of poorly developed buttocks by including an implant by intramuscular technique. In general we allocate this procedure to people without associated skin flaccidity or when it is minimal. The recovery is quite fast, although it is necessary to try to avoid exercises that imply the contraction of the gluteal muscles, such as climbing or climbing stairs in the initial stages of recovery. We used an implant that we placed making an incision less than 8 cm in the intergluteal region, and reaching the gluteus maximus muscle, which we separated into two sections, one more superficial and the other deeper, and in the latter is where we insert the prosthesis. The scar will be hidden between both buttocks and will not be noticed.
It is common to find people who are not satisfied with the appearance of their glutes. The flaccidity, the reduced volume, the "dimples" and depressions or an inadequate distribution of the fat produce an unsightly aspect of this anatomical region. There are surgical procedures that adjust to the specific needs of each patient.
Sometimes our patients complain of depressions in the gluteal region, which are noticeable even with the clothes on. Some of these subsidence are true adhesions of the skin to deeper structures such as fascia or muscle. These cases can be significantly improved with surgical procedures. Also the double glúteo fold, the subglútea banana, that is that fold parallel to the gluteal fold, located in the later part and superior of the thigh, can improve significantly with surgical techniques.